The Bestie Library

Store your worries in the Worry Pond!
Hi besties! Anxiety has a sneaky way of creeping into our lives and stealing our joy. But fear not, we've got a magical strategy to help you keep anxiety at bay and live a more peaceful life: Store your worries...
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How to cope with Christmas Anxiety
🎄 Christmas is coming again, and for lots of people, this is a really exciting time of year. 🎄💖 But for some of us, the festive season can bring feelings of stress, loneliness, and anxiety. 💖Here are some tips to...
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How to be AMAZING at job interviews!

Ooh, congratulations bestie, you've got a job interview!

Interviews can be really overwhelming, there's so much to try and remember, and you know you want to make a good first impression.

We've been talking about this recently in the bestie Facebook group, and here's what they had to say.

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