Hey, it's ok

Oooh, it's been a tough couple of weeks hasn't it?
Let's try and do something fun this weekend just for us. I will be baking some brownies, how about you?
Oh and here's a reminder that it's ok to:
❤️ Put on weight, comfort eat, stress eat, it doesn't matter. Just try to eat a bit of fruit or veg too to keep you going.
❤️ Be sad or stressed. Change is unsettling but we will get through this, you don't have to be positive all the time.
❤️ Be happy. You can also turn off the news and build a blanket fort with the cat, be happy that maybe you don't have to go into work or go to that event you were dreading. It doesn't make you a bad person to see silver linings, it's an important survival skill.
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